
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog!

About Me

I’m Erica, a biomedical scientist and public health educator/program evaluator by training, and the blogger behind Joy and Sunshine. Like many people, I wear a lot of hats on a daily basis and have gone through a bit of trial and error to find out what works well for me. This blog is essentially an ongoing description of those things – sprinkled with some personal style (to justify using shopping as my preferred form of exercise…oh, how I love it) – all in an effort to save you some time and provide a little creative inspiration and humor during your busy day.

Story behind the Name of the Blog

When my now-husband and I were dating, he made some flippant statement (can’t remember exactly what it was), and I told him, “Please. You know I am the joy and the sunshine of your life!” He said, “You are!” We both cracked up, and it’s been a running joke – and sometimes my nickname – since.

Style and Fashion Philosophy

My personal style tends towards things classic and a bit preppy. I like the way quality, classic pieces mix well with newer things season after season. I never get rid of well-fitting items I love: they might go into storage, but they always come back 🙂

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. justdontbelast said:

    You forgot to add that you have THE best best friend ever and her name is Valerie. IJS…:).

  2. glossedmimi said:

    The last picture of you with the coat and jeans. Yes, Ma’am!!!!! You look fantastic. It was so great meeting you. Looking forward to connecting in the near future.

  3. Nice blog!!!

  4. vinicooksveg said:

    Hi Erica, You have lovely blog with some very interesting posts.Would love to read your future posts!

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