
Have a question, a suggestion for a post topic, or just want to say, “Hi”? Email me!

2 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE your style! I found your blog on Facebook (one of my FB friends is your friend I believe…not sure who) anyway they posted the blog and I accidentally clicked it…which is odd for me to do! So glad that I did! I love the post and the looks you put together. I recently lost 35 pounds and am working on a new wardrobe as I continue to lose more weight. Your looks have been very inspirational…not to mention I love the simplicity in everything…including the look of the blog. I look forward to checking your blog out and have passed it along to others.

    • Thank you, Ms. Shayla! I can’t tell you how much your kind words mean to me: I am humbled and extremely thankful. Congrats on your recent weight loss! Now you, your fab blog, and your 5am runs (wow) are the inspiration!

      Thanks again for the support and blog love!

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